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- Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume I Number 384
- Monday, April 1st 1991
- Today's Topics:
- Sheriff's Deputy Denied Promotion
- Re: Bill Cooper
- Re: Bill Cooper
- Hoagland's Mars
- Sheriff's Deputy Denied Promotion
- Subscription termination
- Re: Statements of accepta
- Re: Bill Cooper
- Re: Bill Cooper
- Fcc Modem Charge
- Mail Problems
- Re: Fcc Modem Charge
- Re: Fcc Modem Charge
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Jim.Speiser@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)
- Subject: Sheriff's Deputy Denied Promotion
- Date: 28 Mar 91 07:45:00 GMT
- I've just learned that a sheriff's deputy in Tucson, who also happens to be
- MUFON State Section Director for Pima County, has been denied a promotion
- within the department due to his active interest in Ufology. Apparently Hard
- Copy is sending a camera crew to cover the case of Bob Dean, long-time
- member of the now-defunct APRO and now an investigator for MUFON. Allegedly
- Dean's lawyer taped a statement from the sheriff, who promoted a supposedly
- less-qualified deputy instead of Dean, due to Dean's belief in flying
- saucers.
- T'will be interesting to see how Hard Copy covers this one.
- Jim
- --
- Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@paranet.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Tyson.Mitchiner@f134.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Tyson Mitchiner)
- Subject: Re: Bill Cooper
- Date: 26 Mar 91 01:38:00 GMT
- > that, and I believe in the possibilty of ET life. However I
- > to am a SKEPTIC I do not believe in allowing my mind to be so
- > open that my brains tumble out _ I may never find them! GRIN
- >
- > DON
- (GASP)
- If I gather as much information as I can on this subject, my brains
- will.. will.. ex-explode?
- You know, I never can understand the "Dont allow too much
- information in or your brain will pop out" concept. Our mind
- supposedly has unlimited storage capacity.
- I don't care about skepticism.. I don't care about gullibilism. All
- that seems logical is that since I have a curiousity as to what
- those sightings may be (I will not conclude they are aliens. They
- may be U.S. secret planes, a freak of nature, whatever.) I do not
- have enough information to conclude that those sightings are hoaxes,
- and I do not have enough information to conclude what exactly UFO's
- are (NOTE: *UNIDENTIFIED* FLYING OBJECT, not aliens.). So, it would
- be rather illogical of me to conclude anything until I have
- sufficient information to make a conclusion.
- Since my mind has unlimited storage capacity (at least there has
- been no real evidence to the contrary), I'll gather as much
- information I can to piece together the puzzle.
- Tyson
- --
- Tyson Mitchiner - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Tyson.Mitchiner@f134.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Jim.Greenen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Greenen)
- Subject: Re: Bill Cooper
- Date: 26 Mar 91 14:10:01 GMT
- DE> Jim;
- DE>
- DE> Excuse me for jumping in about your message to Rick Moen,
- DE> but I have to state that as one of the old timers here in
- DE> ParaNet, I have "known" Rick for quite some time. Rick can
- DE> NOT be accused of being "close" minded, but he does ask
- DE> questions. That does not make him a bad guy. Checking my
- DE> dictionary skeptic was listed as: n. doubt in absence of
- DE> conclusive evidence; and BROTHER does that describe Mr.
- DE> Cooper!
- DE>
- DE> As one who did a two part investigation in Mr. Milton Wm.
- DE> Cooper, I can tell you first hand that Cooper is at the
- DE> forfront of lacking ANY CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE. As a matter of
- DE> fact, several months ago I used the word CHARLATAN in
- DE> reference to Cooper, ( and I was being nice to boot ) and
- DE> Mr. Moen chided me for the adjective. Skeptic? Yep, Mr.
- DE> Moen is that and he uses it in his origin line. Close
- DE> minded? No I do not agree. I had a sighting myself, and a
- DE> dramatic one at that, and I believe in the possibilty of ET
- DE> life. However I to am a SKEPTIC I do not believe in
- DE> allowing my mind to be so open that my brains tumble out _
- DE> I may never find them! GRIN
- DE>
- DE>
- No problem in jumping in, Don. But didn't I see you on stage with
- the 4 uninvited guest in Las Vegas and wasn't Uncle Milty one of
- them? ---GRIN---. Now, If you had a dramatic sighting (and I also
- had one) wouldn't you have the tendency to throw all skeptism out
- and look toward the reasons of who, how, what and where questions? I
- did that many years ago and now I am looking for the answers to
- those questions.
- You mention that you are skeptic but skeptic of what? If you were
- refering to Mr. Cooper, you have good reason but to the existence of
- aliens visiting this planet, you should not have any doubt. I have
- had many discussions with Rick on the BBS and got the feeling that
- what ever you or anybody said he had a swamp gas answers to your
- questions or quoted the amazing Randy guy. Maybe Rick has change his
- mind since reading these echos and now might believe that maybe
- something might be valid to these storys. I hope so because the real
- investigation has many unanswered questions.
- 73's ---Jim---
- --
- Jim Greenen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Jim.Greenen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Michael.Corbin@f422.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
- Subject: Hoagland's Mars
- Date: 28 Mar 91 20:29:00 GMT
- > I have recieved a badly formatted letter from Alan Shawn Feinstein
- > Associates, Cranston RI 02905 telling of a release that explains why the
- > Jan 6th NASA briefing was cancelled. The letter tells me that this was
- > quite a revelation, and tries to sell stamps. If anyone knows whats
- > going on, let me know. I'm so cornfused.
- I just received a review of copy of "Hoagland's Mars" which I am going to
- review for ParaNet. I will get you some information in a couple of days. The
- video is impressive, however I cannot comment on it yet without going further
- into the review.
- Mike
- --
- Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f422.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Michael.Corbin@f422.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
- Subject: Sheriff's Deputy Denied Promotion
- Date: 28 Mar 91 20:29:00 GMT
- > I've just learned that a sheriff's deputy in Tucson, who also happens to
- > be MUFON State Section Director for Pima County, has been denied a
- > promotion within the department due to his active interest in Ufology.
- > Apparently Hard Copy is sending a camera crew to cover the case of Bob
- > Dean, long-time member of the now-defunct APRO and now an investigator
- > for MUFON. Allegedly Dean's lawyer taped a statement from the sheriff,
- > who promoted a supposedly less-qualified deputy instead of Dean, due to
- > Dean's belief in flying saucers.
- Can you cover it for ParaNet?
- Mike
- --
- Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f422.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)
- Subject: Subscription termination
- Date: 28 Mar 91 15:39:00 GMT
- > Please terminate my subscription to the Paranet Newsletter.
- > Although I have found some of the postings to be of interest,
- > particularly those of sightings and information thereto,
- > I find the bickering and arguing to be a waste of my time, counter-
- > productive, and uninteresting, to boot.
- > I just don't have the time to go through all that to get to the
- > postings I consider valuable.
- Can someone please tell me the name of a non-technical echo I can check into,
- that DOESN'T feature bickering and arguing? Personally I think there's more
- bickering on that supposed bastion of gentlemanly discourse, the FIDO SCIENCE
- echo, than there is here....
- Jim
- --
- Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: John.Tender@f112.n129.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Tender)
- Subject: Re: Statements of accepta
- Date: 28 Mar 91 05:51:50 GMT
- ->>material with
- ->>which you (and you say Jim also) are all too familiar, you
- ->>were unable
- ->>to supply them. (Jim, if you're there, can you help out
- ->>here?)
- JS> Golly, wish I could, John, but I can't seem to get a handle on
- JS> what the hell you guys are arguing about. The rhetoric seems to
- JS> be getting piled pretty high here. If you're asking me what
- JS> Shaeffer, Klass, et al have held out as criteria for proof of
- JS> UFO reality, I do have some idea, but the references would be
- JS> mostly personal conversations. Will that do? As I posted here
- You found the pony.
- I am looking for statements they have committed to print and public
- distribution; if no single definitive statements are available, then
- maybe a few relevant citations. If you have some files of personal
- conversations, I'm interested but I'd rather have "official" statements
- in their own words.
- Such statements would be quite valuable. It would at least show how
- competent these guys are as scientists (assuming they would actually
- write their own stuff) as opposed to propagandists.
- JS> As to the rest of the argument, I think both you guys ought to
- JS> cool it. I was director of ParaNet at the time Cooper was
- JS> logging on, and it was my decision to keep all of his and John
- JS> Lear's files public, and I commend Rick for doing the same.
- JS> *My* reasoning was that it was important for those people who
- JS> had not made up their minds on the issue to be given everything
- JS> they needed in order to do so. I felt confident that Cooper
- JS> would simply hang himself with his own words, but regardless of
- JS> that, its always been my feeling that we have nothing to fear
- JS> from ideas....
- I never said Rick or anyone should delete any files. I did say that
- if we are going to categorize these files, as "good" or "bad" or
- "Cooper-like" etc., we should have explicitly stated (as opposed to
- implicitly assumed) ~reasons~ for doing so. I opposed the idea that such
- file deletions should be made at the whim of a sysop. This is both
- consistent with and required of a scientific approach to the UFO
- phenomena.
- When Rick, a member of the Bay Area Skeptics and CSICOP, evaded
- this issue so persistently it merely reinforced a pattern I've seen in
- skeptics before; using science when it is convenient, and ignoring it
- otherwise.
- ... from the purlieus of Pittsburgh
- --
- John Tender - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: John.Tender@f112.n129.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Don.Ecker@f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Don Ecker)
- Subject: Re: Bill Cooper
- Date: 29 Mar 91 04:41:00 GMT
- I said:
- > > that, and I believe in the possibilty of ET life. However I
- > > to am a SKEPTIC I do not believe in allowing my mind to be so
- > > open that my brains tumble out _ I may never find them! GRIN
- What I meant was - - - I do not except just anything I hear
- until such time as I have the time to conduct my own
- research into the question. I DID NOT MEAN
- RESEARCHED TO THE Nth DEGREE. For example, Milty Coopers
- claim now that the "aliens" are demons, the Government is
- going to round up all the abductees and put them into
- concentration camps, and other assorted Bull of that type.
- Tyson said:
- > (GASP)
- >
- > If I gather as much information as I can on this
- > subject, my brains will.. will.. ex-explode?
- >
- > much information in or your brain will pop out"
- > concept.
- > Our mind supposedly has unlimited storage capacity.
- Yea Tyson, that may be, but still, that does not mean that
- you don't question, and research. Do you believe EVERYTHING
- you hear? If so, I got this really GREAT car that I am
- selling, and BOY* * * can YOU BUY it CHEAP. You send me a
- check, I send you the papers-----OK?
- > I don't care about skepticism.. I don't care about
- > gullibilism. All that seems logical is that since I
- > have a curiousity as to what those sightings may be (I
- > will not conclude they are aliens. They may be U.S.
- > secret planes, a freak of nature, whatever.) I do not
- > have enough information to conclude that those
- > sightings are hoaxes, and I do not have enough
- > information to conclude what exactly UFO's are (NOTE:
- > *UNIDENTIFIED* FLYING OBJECT, not aliens.). So, it
- > would be rather illogical of me to conclude anything
- > until I have sufficient information to make a
- > conclusion.
- Thats right, so just where do we disagree?
- > Since my mind has unlimited storage capacity (at least
- > there has been no real evidence to the contrary), I'll
- > gather as much information I can to piece together the
- > puzzle.
- >
- And to think I thought I was speaking in a vacuum.
- Don
- --
- Don Ecker - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Don.Ecker@f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Don.Ecker@f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Don Ecker)
- Subject: Re: Bill Cooper
- Date: 29 Mar 91 04:53:00 GMT
- Jim Greenen said:
- > No problem in jumping in, Don. But didn't I see you on
- > stage with the 4 uninvited guest in Las Vegas and
- > wasn't Uncle Milty one of them? ---GRIN---.
- June of 1989. Yep, John Lear, then the MUFON State Director
- hosted the MUFON Conference, and he invited me to speak on
- my research involving mutilations. What does that have to do
- with the above?
- > Now, If you had a dramatic sighting (and I also had one)
- > wouldn't you have the tendency to throw all skeptism
- > out and look toward the reasons of who, how, what and
- > where questions?
- No. I would first attempt to see if there was an explanation
- in prosaic terms. Even though I had a sighting that has
- never been explained, I am too aware of other peoples
- sightings that WERE explained.
- > You mention that you are skeptic but skeptic of
- > what? If you were refering to Mr. Cooper, you have
- > good reason but to the existence of aliens visiting
- > this planet, you should not have any doubt.
- Ah ha, but that is it. We do not KNOW that aliens are
- visiting here. I may suspect, I may "feel it" but I do not
- know, and I would venture a guess that no one I know, TRULY
- knows that aliens are here. What we have at this point is a
- strong working hypothesis that this is the case. However, if
- you KNOW, and CAN PROVE IT, you are probably on your way to
- your first million. The catch is, PROVE IT.
- What started this conversation however, if I recall, is the
- fact that although Moen is a skeptic, he had Cooper Crap on
- his board. Well, the First Admendment is still in effect,
- regardless of what Cooper claims is going on and Moen is the
- Sysop of his BBS, and he has not censored it, so what was it
- that got you all fired up?
- Don
- --
- Don Ecker - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Don.Ecker@f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Michael.Corbin@f422.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
- Subject: Fcc Modem Charge
- Date: 29 Mar 91 19:19:00 GMT
- * Forwarded from "Communications Echo"
- * Originally from Philip Kirschner
- * Originally dated 03-28-91 03:48
- Next Again
- Msg # 8 of 9Date: Fri 3-22-91, 4:37 pm
- From: SYSOPRead: 37 times
- Subject: MODEM TAX
- A new regulation that the FCC is quietly working on will directly affect you as
- the user of a computer and modem. The FCC proposes that users of modems should
- pay extra charges for use of the public
- telephone network which carry their data. In addition, computer
- network services such as Compu Serv, Tymnet, & Telenet would also be charged as
- much as $6.00 per hour per user for use of the public
- telephone network. These charges would very likely be passed on to the
- subscribers. The money is to be collected and given to the
- telephone company in an effort to raise funds lost to deregulation. Jim Eason
- of KGO newstalk radio (San Francisco, Ca) commented on the proposal during his
- afternoon radio program during which, he said he learned of the new regulation
- in an article in the New York Times. Jim took the time to gather the addresses
- which are given below.
- What you should do: First, take the time to download this message and the
- letter which follows. Next find three or more other BBS systems which are not
- carrying this message and upload this text. Finally, print three copies of the
- letter which follows (or write your own) and send a signed copy to the three
- addresses. It is important that you act now. The bureaucrats already have it
- in there mind that modem users should subsidize the phone company and are now
- listening to public comment. Please stand up and make it clear that we will
- not stand for any government restriction on the free exchange of information.
- The three addresses to write to: (a letter to send follows)
- Chairman of the FCC
- 1919 M Street N.W.
- Washington, D.C. 20554
- Chairman, Senate Communication Subcommittee
- SH-227 Hart Building
- Washington, D.C. 20510
- Chairman, House Telecommunication Subcommittee
- B-331 Rayburn Building
- Washington, D.C. 20515
- Dear Sir,
- Please allow me to express my displeasure with the FCC proposal which would
- authorize a surcharge for the use of modems on the
- -- more --telephone network. This regulation is nothing less than an attempt
- torestrict the free exchange of information among the growing number of
- computer users. Calls placed using modems require no special telephone company
- equipment, and users of modems pay the phone company for use of the network in
- the form of a monthly bill. In short, a modem call is the same as a voice call
- and therefore should not be subject to any additional regulation.
- | Or words to that effect |
- Again Reply Prev Next Quit
- Read the next message Next
- --
- Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f422.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
- Subject: Mail Problems
- Date: 30 Mar 91 07:51:00 GMT
- Hi Elizabeth, and thank you for the speedy response re:Nahani Park.
- Unfortunately, my mail tossing program seems to have a major bug -- all I could
- decypher from your response was your name, "Nahani", some odd works &
- fragments, and a tantalizing allusion to headless prospectors.
- Would you be kind enough to repost your response? I have pitched Zmail in
- favor of Imail and am reasonably certain that I can read your reply without a
- program editor this time!
- Many thanks!
- Best,
- Clark
- --
- Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Jim.Shaffer@f4.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Shaffer)
- Subject: Re: Fcc Modem Charge
- Date: 1 Apr 91 08:12:00 GMT
- Hey, wait a minute!
- Not only have I heard of this proposed tax about a year ago (and
- subsequently, after starting a big argument about it on another net, found
- out that it was phony), THIS IS THE *EXACT* ARTICLE I READ BACK THEN!
- I agree that if such a suggestion is ever made, we must act to crush it as
- fast as it physically possible, but I doubt that it's actually being
- considered now. If this weren't the same message I read previously, I might
- be worried. So if there's really something going on, somebody better do
- something more than paste ancient messages into his editor!
- --
- Jim Shaffer - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Jim.Shaffer@f4.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Jim.Shaffer@f4.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Shaffer)
- Subject: Re: Fcc Modem Charge
- Date: 1 Apr 91 08:17:00 GMT
- Clark,
- I hear that in New York, you have to pay extra to use CompuServe. Not only
- that, but CIS has to bill that part! If I were running the thing, I'd have
- told them where to go!
- Also, our esteemed Governor Casey wants to tax long-distance phone calls, as
- well as cable TV. Don't you hate it when high technology is taken over by
- people who in all likelihood don't even understand the basic principles of
- its operation?!
- Anyway, see my recent reply to Mike's message before you bomb FCC HQ or
- anything.
- --
- Jim Shaffer - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Jim.Shaffer@f4.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG
- ********To have your comments in the next issue, send electronic mail to********
- 'infopara' at the following address:
- UUCP {ncar,isis,boulder}!scicom!infopara
- DOMAIN infopara@scicom.alphacdc.com
- ADMIN Address infopara-request@scicom.alphacdc.com
- {ncar,isis,boulder}!scicom!infopara-request
- ******************The**End**of**Info-ParaNet**Newsletter************************